Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Enrichment Work

March 30: for this week's enrichment, you could write an essay to entry an FFA contest. Prizes are:
First place: $7,500
Second place: $5,000
Third place: $2,500

To enter, submit an essay of 1,000 words or less responding to the prompt (listed in the link) by April 20, 2020. If you'd like feedback from me on in, please share the google doc with me before April 13. (That will give you time to polish up after feedback from me.)

Here's the link: FFA Essay Contest 

March 23: For this week's enrichment work, I recommend starting a journal. It's a good way to reflect and quiet the mind. We'll regroup and go back to regular work once the state allows us to do graded work. I so want to discuss the ending of Kavelier and Clay! (Be sure to finish it, if you haven't already since it was the assigned work for March 13.) Feel free to reach out at any time with questions or just to say hi. :)