Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Wall of Exclusion (and Inclusion) links

Here are the op-eds/articles I've posted on the wall.
Post yours on the wall by April 26, and, if there's a digital copy, post a link in the comments section. Thanks!

Women and Scientific Patents

White Privilege Op-ed

Society's Restrictions on Male Emotion

Here's a link from Rosemary Larson on the Pentagon ruling on whether transgender people will be allowed to serve in the military. Pentagon Rules on Transgender Military Personnel

Here's a link to the op-ed Taisha Morales chose. "This article talks about how students with special needs have been excluded from receiving education. In order for a school to agree with parents getting a statement of special educational needs towards a student they have to get it medically diagnosed. The process is very tedious and often takes a while, prohibiting students from the same education as others." Autism exclusion

Briana Tirabassi's article on a transgender teen who was not allowed to choose the color of graduation gown associated with the gender she identifies as (and did not attend graduation): Transgender Teen and Graduation

An informational piece from Kayla Baddeley about racism in the US: "This article shows the oppression of black people in the U.S today. It shows how racism causes disadvantages towards black people, and how black people struggle a lot more than people who are white." Racism in the US

Griffin Webb's link to another piece on racism: "This article is about how racism still affects many people even in modern day. Also this article explains how uneducated people are about racism, and don't even realize when they are being racist." Racism Poll

From Liz O'Brien, an article on black students' campus experiences: Black Students' Campus Experiences

Madi Pickering's piece about the Pope's call for more acceptance: Pope Encouraging Acceptance

Meghan Thornquist's article about special education: Special Education Inclusion